
How To Resize Social Media Graphics & Images In Adobe Photoshop

Using social media to drive traffic, generate leads, make sales, etc. has become the new marketing normal. Considering the huge amount of competition for attention on these social platforms you need to create some eye-catching designs to see some kind of success. But that’s only half the work done if you are trying to be […]

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Learning Canva vs Photoshop To Design Social Media Graphics

Are you a marketer or a social media manager or a small business owner who is looking to create stunning graphics for social media? Are you a designer who is confused about what tool to use for social media? Well, this article is for you. There has been a debate happening on the internet on […]

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How To Promote Your Youtube Channel On Instagram: Ultimate Guide

Youtube has more than 2 Billion monthly active users (logged-in users) which basically means the total users (many watches without logging in, right?) are way more than that. And these numbers will only increase in the coming years. Now that’s a good thing to build a youtube channel and get traction and make money eventually. […]

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8 Powerful Designs Tips To Create Eye-Catching Visuals For Social Media

Marketing is a contest for people’s attention. Not me, Seth Godin said this and it’s 200% true. With more are more businesses joining social media it’s never been so hard to get traction on social media. We live in a visual world. Science says that humans respond to visual data better than any other type […]

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How To Create & Design Instagram Quote Posts

Memes are not the only kind of content that can go viral. Of course, Meme Marketing is one of the best things that happened in the marketing space. But they are not the only “text overlayed on an image” type of content that can bring good engagement. There is another content type and they are […]

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How To Design Better & Clickworthy YouTube Thumbnails

If you are a marketer leveraging youtube to generate more leads, you need more clicks. If you are a Youtuber, you need more clicks to earn money. So it’s pretty basic that more clicks equals more money. And what matters more to get clicks is a good Thumbnail. Of course, good content and a better […]

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3 Reasons Why I Don’t Use Canva For Designing Social Media Posts

Are you looking for an online tool to design social media posts? Well, maybe the chances are you are considering Canva. OR If you are a solopreneur or a social media manager, there are 90% chances that you are already using Canva. But, I am not a big fan of Canva. Yes, I am talking […]

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5 Design Tips To Make Your Instagram Carousels Look Better

Instagram Carousel format has been on a rise, especially in the personal branding space. From Fitness trainers to Travel bloggers, many are using Instagram carousels to share their stories and educate their audience. We even saw big companies like Pepsi using the carousel format. If you are looking for a complete guide on how to […]

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5 Best Ways To Add Text Over Images In Social Media Posts

We know that a good visual or design can help in conveying the message to the audience. Putting text on images is very common in any kind of social media post because the intention behind posting something on social media is to convey a message to their audience. Like this post by Amazon India. View […]

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Outsourcing: When, Why & How To Hire A Designer For Your Social Media

Should I hire a designer? This is one of the most commons questions many small business owners will face. It’s hard to learn(if you don’t know how to design) and design stuff while managing the business at the same time. So, of course, you should hire a designer for your social media so that you […]

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