
Choosing A Single Niche And Why Not A Multi-Niche In Blogging?

You already know the answer. Here are some more reasons to convince you. If you are thinking to start a blog (to earn money), the first thing that you might have thought about is “what to write”, and what topic to choose. Related: 8 Lessons I Learnt From My First Blog, The Hard Way! Or […]

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I Got 900+ Visitors From Google Every Month With Just 39 Articles

I was able to bring in 900+ visitors via Google to my blog every month consistently without having to push any new content. I only wrote 39 articles over the period of 2 years (I think so!). Getting almost 1000 people to my website, felt like an achievement. A small win. And that’s what I […]

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8 Lessons I Learnt From My First Blog, The Hard Way!

Blogging, if done well, can work well for you… But.. Yes, there are quite a few buts here. When you buy a domain name, install WordPress and create a fresh new website, you’ll start putting in the content. But then the questions start pouring up in the mind. And the list goes on. The optimism […]

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NFT Minting: How To Mint & How Much Does It Cost To Mint NFTs

NFTs whether you like it or hate it, comes with many use cases. Yes, a lot of celebrities jumped on this NFT bandwagon, with most of them just being cash grabs. There are still lot of scams happening in this space, by many anonymous people. But NFTs have represented a wide variety of use cases […]

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10 NFT Types You Need To Know Based On Their Utilities

NFTs aren’t just pictures of monkeys. They are beyond what you most commonly see on crypto twitter or in news, which are PFP NFTs. The whole concept of NFT is to provide digital ownership in ways that wasn’t possible in the pre-blockchain era. And today there are more than 10 types of NFTs each with […]

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15+ Web 3.0 Tools For NFTs, Defi, Cryptocurrencies, And Airdrops

Web 3.0 is full of potential opportunities to be part of the tech and at the same time earn your fair share (incentivized economy). From flipping NFTs to trading cryptocurrencies and providing liquidity to earn some fees and interest, there are a lot of ways you can earn money. To be more precise, earn tokens. […]

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8 NFT Minting Tools (No Code) To Create NFT Collections Easily

NFTs have revolutionized the way we think about the concept of digital ownership. And all thanks to this beautiful technology called blockchain. Because of that blockchain, we were able to mint NFTs, and make that piece of art or music unique. And in this article, I am gonna give you 7 NFT minting tools that […]

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ENS Explained: How To Buy A .ETH Name ENS NFT

You might have seen people on Crypto Twitter (it’s X now) flaunting their .eth names as their handles. Yup, those are ENS names. And one need to buy it, link it to their wallet, so as to flex on socials (don’t fake it till you make it). But ENS names are not just for flex, […]

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Why NFTs Make Sense In A Status Driven Society

Are NFTs just dumb cartoon pictures or shitty art JPEGs that are just gambled on the blockchain? Maybe, in many cases. But at the same time, in many other cases there is a deeper connection between the buyer and seller, whenever there is an NFT trade on the blockchain. And that’s ‘Status Symbol’. Status Driven […]

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NFT Loyalty Programs: How NFTs Can Improve Customer Loyalty

NFTs & Customer Loyalty Programs?? Looks like these two belong to a complete different fields. How do they even relate?? The term “NFT” has been making huge waves in the digital space (mostly controversial). But how exactly can these NFTs be used to improve customer loyalty? Well, grab a coffee! Cuz we have a lot […]

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