How To Make Money With NFTs: A Beginners Guide
NFTs have gained widespread attention and adoption across various industries, including art, music, gaming, collectibles, and virtual real estate. According to industry reports, the total value of NFT transactions surged to billions of dollars in recent years, with record-breaking sales of individual NFTs reaching millions of dollars. This tech has provided the options to make […]
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How To Create & Sell NFTs: The Basics
In recent years, Non-Fungible Tokens aka NFTs have taken the digital world by storm, revolutionizing the way we perceive and exchange digital assets. From artwork to music, videos, and virtual items, NFTs have opened up new avenues for creators to monetize their work. But how exactly does one go about creating and selling NFTs? Let’s […]
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5 Key Advantages & Benefits Of NFTs: Why Non-Fungibility Matters
Non-fungible Tokens aka NFTs have been quietly reshaping the landscape of digital ownership and value. These digital assets, stored securely on blockchain networks, have surged in popularity, captivating artists, collectors, and investors (and scammers too) alike with their promise of unique ownership and unprecedented possibilities. At the heart of the NFT revolution lies the concept […]
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Alcohol NFTs: Why These Spirit Brands Are Leveraging NFTs
NFTs have gained significant attention and popularity across various industries, including art, music, gaming, and entertainment. Now, it has spread to Alcohol businesses. NFTs have the ability to provide a secure and transparent way to verify ownership and authenticity of digital assets. But why Alcohol companies are using them? Let’s dive deep! NFTs & Alcohol […]
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Photography NFTs: Converting Photos Into Collectibles
In today’s world, where pictures fill our screens and memories are stored digitally, something exciting is happening for photographers and art lovers. It’s called Photography NFTs. Basically, it’s taking your regular old photos and turning them into these super unique digital tokens. So, every photo you snap could potentially become a rare piece of art […]
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POAP NFTs Explained: How To Create & Deliver POAPs
Imagine you are attending an event. Generally, you get a ticket via email with your name on it, or worse it’ll just be a physical ticket, without your name on it (even worse). The thing is you can’t do anything with it, once the event is done, which is why we have NFT Tickets. But […]
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How To Create An NFT Drop With No Code: Thirdweb
The rise of NFTs has sparked widespread interest among artists and creators, yet traditional barriers like technical complexity and coding expertise have limited participation. Worry not, we have no code tools now. No code minting addresses these hurdles, offering artists a straightforward way to mint and sell their digital creations as NFTs without writing any […]
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Utility NFTs Explained: What Are They & How Do They Work
NFTs aren’t just about owning some cartoon animal pictures. They are just starters. And when you add utility to those pictures, the value of that NFT rises exponentially. Utility NFTs are opening up new avenues for innovation, monetization, and user engagement across various industries. Let’s learn more about what these types of NFTs do to […]
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NFT Royalties Explained: How Does Royalties Work?
NFT Royalties have become a big topic in the NFT space. Especially, after many NFT marketplaces have gone with the optional royalties, which reduced the revenue for NFT projects. Ok, what actually is a royalty here? How does it work? and Who is getting paid because of these royalties? Let’s get right into it. What […]
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What Is DN-404? How Is It Different From ERC-404?
If you don’t know what ERC-404 is, you should read this first. ERC-404 is an unofficial Ethereum Token Standard that combines the popular ERC-20 (the liquid tradable nature) and ERC-721 (the non-fungible nature) standards. The biggest issue with this token standard was the high transaction fees of Ethereum. And that’s when DN-404 arrived. What is […]
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