
Creating a personal brand is probably one of the best ways to make sure you get the word out there.

For someone to listen to you, they need to know you first or else you are just a random salesperson to them.

But with consistent personal branding people will know more about you, what you do, how you help others, etc, and that builds trust.

As Gary Vee says, “Developing your personal brand is the key to monetizing your passion online”.

So, how do I create a personal brand? Well, there are tons of articles out there on how to grow your Instagram account, how to use hashtags, etc.

But I am not here for all of that.

I want to focus on content. Content is the king. Bill Gates said this a long time ago and we are almost living with that philosophy.

Most businesses are nothing without content, nowadays & many great businesses are built on content.

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And grow your social media

So as to grow your personal brand you need to know what to post. Because what you create – content and how you create – visuals, matter a lot when it comes to defining your personal brand.

If you are a freelancer a coach, or a content creator, or an influencer, or a solopreneur or a small business owner, then this article is written especially for you.

Let’s have a look at some content ideas that solve the creative block problem:

1. Show Them Who You Are

For people to believe in you, you need to let them know who you are. Share your personal and professional stories.

  • Why did you choose to go freelance?
  • Why did you develop an app?
  • Where do you live and what was it like?
  • What’s on your wishlist?
  • What’s your favourite place?
  • Why do you love designing stuff?
  • How have you helped your clients?

And the list goes on.

PS: You can’t ask them to buy your program or product unless you put your name (or brand name) out there and show them what you do and why you do it.

2. Share Useful Tips, Tricks, Lessons, Mistakes, And Checklists

Create one slide post with useful tips and tricks that can help your followers. Provide as much value as you can with the free content and it is one of the best ways to build a strong personal brand.

Bust myths. Share checklists.

Tell your audience what mistakes you have made in your journey and how to avoid them. Share your lessons.

It doesn’t have to be something related to your career or business. Share something that you’ve learned in your life. Of course, what you post will be seen by emotional beings only.


Brands and businesses have already realized the power of meme marketing. Memes are everywhere on the internet. They spread like wildfire. Well, good memes spread like wildfire. And most importantly memes receive good engagement on social media when compared to normal content.

Create something that your audience can relate to. Good memes always work. Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn.


By quote posts, I don’t mean just motivational quotes to inspire your audience, although posting them should be a must. There are other quotes – funny, philosophy, facts, etc.

I was reading a book called “Rework” and I liked something that the author said. And I’ve posted that on Instagram:

“Competitors can never copy the “You” in you”. Great line, right?

So just share something that comes up in your mind or read somewhere but should make sense to your audience.

Behind The Scenes

Do you create YouTube videos? Make podcasts? Then show the setup.

What does your room look like? How do you organise it? Tell a story with a picture.

Do you create art? Or do you make cakes? Share a video of the entire making process, and cut it into a 30-second reel video.

Sharing “BTS” content brings the human element to your marketing. And remember that people are always curious about how you do or create things that they see in your posts.

Ask Questions

Social media shouldn’t be a monologue. At least not anymore. It’s a place to interact and build deeper connections. So, ask them questions. Create polls (especially on stories). Know their opinions.

Create Carousels

Carousels also called multiple slide posts are a great way to share educational content. With multiple slides, you can explain complex concepts or multiple tips & tricks and win the trust of your audience.

Some resources related to creating carousels:

Mini Tutorials – Reels

Instagram Reels are here to stay. There is no doubt about that.

So, just make sure you find ways to create as many reels as you can.

The best way is to share something that you know (mini tutorials) or you have (showcasing products, BTS, etc.).

Share Content Updates & Announcements

Going live with someone? Make a creative about it and post it:

Have published a new blog post? Going for a vacation? Released a new video on YouTube? Tell your audience about it:

Repurpose Content

Have curated an important stat in your recent blog post? Create an Instagram post or at least share the screenshot on your Instagram story. Or you can even convert a blog post into a carousel.

Pick some important points that you have talked about in your YouTube videos and convert them into an Instagram reel. And don’t forget to use text in your reels videos to get your point across.

Garyvee is a pro when it comes to converting YouTube videos into reels.

Additionally, consider utilizing tools like FlexClip to enhance the visual appeal of your content.

Also, convert your YouTube videos into IGTV videos.

Share Testimonials

Do you know? According to BrightLocal, 91% of people read customer reviews before making a purchase decision as per a study they conducted. People trust people. But people trust other people’s opinions more when it comes to business.

Who knows? The next testimonial that you share might inspire some of your followers to buy your product or service.

Promotional Content

Last but not least, promotional content. What is that you offer? Design services? Lifestyle coaching? Music classes?

Whatever it is, make sure you promote it and create separate posts explaining your programs and products.

But make sure, that separate promotional posts have to be less than 15%.

This means, if you have posted 100 posts, only 15 posts out of those 100 should be about your product or service. “15%” here is not some kind of rule. But you can call it a good practice.

Basically what I mean is don’t post too much promotional content.

But here is what you can do instead:

At the end of every post, you can add a CTA so that your audience will know what you offer. Provide value. Then ask.

Final Tips:

  • Along with good content, follow all the other “best Instagram practices” like replying, engaging with others, collaborating with others, etc.
  • Make your content visually appealing.
  • Maintain consistent visual branding in all your posts.
  • Make use of all the key Instagram post formats: Single posts, carousels, IGTV videos, Stories, and Reels.
  • Plan your content and feed ahead.


Just create content consistently and you’ll soon be on the path to monetising your personal brand. And that means you’ll be able to do what you love and get paid.

All the best for your branding journey!

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