How To Buy Solana NFTs: The Ultimate Beginners Guide

NFTs aka Non Fungible Tokens exploded like a bomb in 2021. Billions of dollars of capital were traded on these JPEGs. According to, trading in NFTs hit $17.6 billion in 2021, a humungous 21,000% increase from 2020. And currently, the two popular blockchains for buying and trading NFTs are Ethereum and Solana. In this […]

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History Of Some Of The Biggest Crypto Scams + Lessons To Learn

Crypto markets are all about volatility. It’s a fact. You would know this if you have ever invested at least in a single cryptocurrency because no coin is non-volatile. But along with that, the industry is filled with a lot of big scams, and most coins, just fail (as of May 2022, there are 2411 […]

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What Is An Airdrop In Crypto And How Does It Work

Thousands of dollars of free money in the form of crypto tokens are being given to web3 users in the name of ‘Airdrop’. But what is it and how is that possible? How does an Airdrop work? Why are these web3 projects giving away free money? And also how do we make sure we don’t […]

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How To Use Etherscan To Evaluate Cryptocurrencies & NFTs: Full Guide

Etherscan is a gem for analyzing cryptocurrencies and NFT projects. Whether it’s fungible or non-fungible tokens, Etherscan has a lot of information (publicly available) that one can use to evaluate web3 stuff. But most people don’t use it. And most, don’t know how to use it. Worry not, I’ve come up with a full guide!! […]

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Metamask For Beginners: The Ultimate Guide To Web3/Crypto Wallet

If you have to deal with crypto and Dapps, wallets are the way. In the world of web3, a wallet is your identity. You build your on-chain reputation with the transactions you make from your wallet. So, in this article, I am gonna talk about Metamask, one of the most famous crypto wallets out there. […]

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My Crypto Investment Strategy + How To Create Your Own

I am a true believer in crypto. I loved the technology and the communities and I am very hopeful for the future of web3. So, I thought, this is it. I need to be part of it, financially. And so, I came up with an investment strategy using the concept of Goals & Systems. And […]

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5 Mistakes That’ll Ruin Your Crypto/Web3 Investment Portfolio

I first heard of Ethereum and NFTs in August 2021. And a month later I got a job as a designer (in the web2 world). So, from September 2021, I’ve decided to use some of the money that I earned from the web2 world to invest in web3 world. Pretty simple, right? It all started […]

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Web3, Decentralization, And Token Economy: The What & Why

We all know that web3 is the word that is being used to describe the next phase of the internet aka a decentralized internet: an internet that’ll be owned by people. But what is web3 in layman’s terms? Why does it matter? Aren’t we happy with centralized companies doing their best in the web2 world? […]

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Dework: A Web3-native Task Management Application For DAOs & More!

Imagine having a collaborative task managing application like Trello but with web3 functions like sign-in using Metamask wallet, paying the contributors for completing the tasks with your DAO’s native tokens, and more. It would be awesome and make your DAO’s task management easy, right? Well, that’s what Dework is all about. But that’s not it. […]

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25+ FREE Resources To Learn Web3, Crypto, NFTs, Defi, And More: Beginners Guide

Yes, it all started with Satoshi Nakamoto. He/She/Them invented something crazy called “Bitcoin” – A Peer To Peer Electronic Cash System that runs with the technology “Blockchain“. Now, all the things that are being built on a blockchain come under Web 3.0 with the motive “An internet that will be owned by the people”. The […]

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