Creating content isn’t easy. It’s even tougher to create more and new fresh content every day for your social media although you have tons of content ideas because you need to find the time and also put effort to execute those ideas.

There are many forms of content that you can create for your business.

When it comes to social media the more content you put on multiple social platforms the more traffic you are gonna get and the more sales you are gonna make and the more conversions you’ll see.

It’s that easy.

No, I’m just kidding. It’s overwhelming to create content for multiple social platforms! Of course, you know that. That’s why you are here.

Firstly, let me answer this question (assuming that you are not omnipresent: not active on multiple social platforms): How many and on which platform your business or you (as a personal brand) should put content?

The answer is as many as you can.

Content is the key. While you are thinking about whether to put content on a particular platform or not, your competitor is already creating tons of content and winning the customers.

Content creation takes a lot of time, especially if you need to post on multiple platforms.

That’s when the concept of “Repurposing Content” comes in. It can save you from the burnout of creating fresh social media content every f..k..g day (It’s every freaking day.. not what you thought).

What does Repurposing Content mean?

Repurposing content (also called content recycling) means creating one great piece of content and then pushing the same content to other social media platforms. The goal here is simple: Putting more content with less effort.

For repurposing a particular content piece, it needs to be long-form content. And better if it’s evergreen content too (if you want to post that repurposed content at any time or repeat that content after weeks/months).

Let’s say you have written an amazing blog post. You can push the same content to multiple social platforms. But you can’t just copy and paste the text on all social platforms. That’s not how you repurpose content.

You need to understand the purposes of each social platform before repurposing content to that particular platform. For example, Instagram is a visual platform and so a carousel post or an infographic will work better.

In the case of Twitter people expect some short and valuable info. So tweeting only some of the basic or main points makes sense, rather than copy-pasting the entire article and creating a long thread (which I do sometimes only if the article is a list of tips/tools).

One thing I want to clarify is that repurposing content doesn’t mean repeating that content. Everyone likes to consume content or absorb information in different ways on different platforms.

You don’t go to Instagram to read blog posts right? So by repurposing content you are just making it easy for your audience to consume the content.

How I Repurpose Content For Social Media (Case Study)

I have written an article on the list of free social media design tools that saved me a lot of time. I repurposed that article and pushed it to 5 different platforms. Here is how:

I have shared the link on Facebook, designed 2 Instagram carousels (I am a designer), converted the article into a tweet thread, shared the Instagram carousels on Linkedin in PDF format, designed a creative to share on Pinterest, and linked the image to the blog post (I also put the 2 Insragem carousel covers on Pinterest and linked them to the respective Instagram posts).

I put a lot of time into writing that article and so I want to milk from it as much as I can and so I did create micro-content from the macro content and distributed it on multiple social platforms.

So, basically, the ideal strategy would be to create long-form content and repurpose that content to your ideal social platforms that can help you grow your social audience and can also bring more social traffic to your website.

I could have converted that blog post into a Video (Youtube, IGTV, Linkedin..) and an Audio (Podcast) which I haven’t done for now.

How Others Are Repurposing Content

Eric Siu creates 13 pieces of content from a live video and pushes it to 5 different platforms with a method that he named as content sprout method.

Garyvee is someone who does a lot of content repurposing. He even shared a 270-page deck on “How to create 64 pieces of content in a day” and you can read it here.

How You Can Repurpose Content

Repurposing content is nothing but leveraging micro-content. Using the big pieces, making them into small and pushing them to multiple social platforms.

Even if you are someone who makes youtube videos or creates podcasts the concept and the process of repurposing are the same. If your central piece of content is a video, get a transcript from Rev or any other transcription services and then you can breakdown the content into pieces.

Info: Repurpose House is a company that’ll take one piece of your content and can repurpose the hell out of it. You can try that option if you have a budget to repurpose unlike me.

Once you have the rich long-form content, you can map a way of how many micro pieces can be created and then start thinking of getting it done.

All the repurposed content is visual because social media is all about visuals and if you are not someone who can design visual content and edit videos you can hire a designer via Fiverr, Upwork or you can simply message me to do the work for you. If you don’t want to put the money into hiring someone and want to create the graphics by yourself you can use Canva.

Leverage carousels (Instagram, Linkedin), Infographics, many visual content types as you can from the long-form content.

Simply just milk out as much as you can from that single piece of content that you have created. Because if you have put so much time into creating it then it makes sense in making sure that the content gets found by as many people as possible. So why not give your best content a second chance by repurposing?

Don’t post the same content pieces on all platforms on the same day. You don’t want your audience to see a particular post on Instagram and then see the exact same content on Facebook too, right?

Delay a day or two. Because cross-posting has some cons too. Make sure that you don’t make your audience feel cheated.

Some Repurpose Hacks

  • Claim your Instagram account on Pinterest and share your Instagram posts on Pinterest linking back to Instagram.
  • Turn your tweets into Instagram posts. You can use tools like Remix by Buffer or Twinsta for this.
  • Put the best performing content (on social media) in the email newsletter.
  • If you go live on Facebook or Instagram (just go live on both platforms at the same time. Don’t ask why) you can convert the important topics discussed and repurpose them for Facebook or Instagram IGTV (don’t forget to add captions to those videos). You can repeat the same process for webinars too.
  • If you are someone who does microblogging on Instagram or Linkedin, then convert that into an in-depth blog post.
  • Don’t miss out on any small chunks of blog content: quotes, stats, important points, etc. Repurpose and put all of them on social platforms.
  • The attention span on social media is very less and the content dies in just hours and days. So try reposting the already repurposed content that has done well in the past.


The tactics discussed in the article might be a few of many. Let me know in the comments what other repurposing tactics or hacks marketers can use in their marketing strategy if you know any.

Repurposing will surely save you tons of time and effort that put on social media. So don’t overthink and start repurposing content.

Thanks for reading!


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