My Crypto Investment Strategy + How To Create Your Own
I am a true believer in crypto. I loved the technology and the communities and I am very hopeful for the future of web3. So, I thought, this is it. I need to be part of it, financially. And so, I came up with an investment strategy using the concept of Goals & Systems. And […]
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5 Mistakes That’ll Ruin Your Crypto/Web3 Investment Portfolio
I first heard of Ethereum and NFTs in August 2021. And a month later I got a job as a designer (in the web2 world). So, from September 2021, I’ve decided to use some of the money that I earned from the web2 world to invest in web3 world. Pretty simple, right? It all started […]
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How To Invest In Cryptocurrency In India | Beginners Guide
Everyone is talking about crypto these days. The FOMO is real. And you might even have this feeling that the opportunity cost is really high if you don’t invest in it. Whatever your thoughts are, I am here to help you to get started in your crypto journey. Important: This article is not about financial […]
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