Blockchain Technology Explained: What Is It & How Does It Work
The most popular term in the crypto world after Bitcoin is “Blockchain”. After all, it is the technology that made the existence of Bitcoin possible. But what is this technology? Why are people so crazy about it? Is Blockchain the next big thing? If so, how and why? Well, when I heard of the term […]
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How To Invest In Cryptocurrency In India | Beginners Guide
Everyone is talking about crypto these days. The FOMO is real. And you might even have this feeling that the opportunity cost is really high if you don’t invest in it. Whatever your thoughts are, I am here to help you to get started in your crypto journey. Important: This article is not about financial […]
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What Is A Smart Contract? And How Does It Work?
If you are trying to educate yourself about NFTs, Cryptocurrencies, and, Blockchain technology then you might have heard of this term called “Smart Contract”. But what is it? Is it really a contract? If so, how is this a smart one? Worry not! I am here. Let’s begin the story. What is a Smart Contract? […]
Read MoreNFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) Explained Like You Are 5!
After the rise of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, it was NFTs that created huge waves in the web3 space. You might have heard of the news that “Beeple sold a collage (a JPEG image) for $69 million”. And the first tweet by Jack Dorsey (the founder of Twitter), the tweet, which said “just setting up my […]
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